Tuesday, July 15, 2008

What about the canadians???
It suddenly dawned on my that I have been so busy enjoying my American relatives' blogs that the idea of creating my own blog, to represent the four Canadians in the family, never crossed my mind...until now! So here it is, the first Canadian Blog in the DesRochers family!!!!

Today marks the second day of "Stampede Recovery Week".....that's right, Stampede Recovery Week! The last 10 days saw the city of Calgary fill with cowboy hats, big, shiny belt buckles, tall leather boots and Wrangler butts as we welcomed the rodeo to town! But the partying is over and this week, the cowboy hats dissapear as the Gas and Oil "Big Wigs" trade in the beer gardens for thier offices. The big, shiny belt buckles and tall leather boots are exhanged for draw string "lulu lemons" and running shoes as we all head back to the gym to wittle down the extra stamped pounds we've packed on and the Wrangler Butts, well, they are desperately trying to get back to "pre stampede" size!! So far I am on track with my recovery program as I have managed to "knock off" 11 miles of running over the last two days. I've been riding my horse rather than watching cowboys get bucked off theirs and I have made a point of drinking nothing but water for the last 48 hours, yay me!!! Here's to feeling great!

1 comment:

MaryM said...

Hey! Great idea, Jeanne! Blog away, girl... and we will come to visit. (We love and adore you, our Canadian family; and hope you will always remember your American roots.)
Hey, thanks for the pictures from the underwear race! You Canadians are a blast.
Mary Margaret