Friday, March 16, 2012


It's over!! After 11.5 months of "nursing," Ryder, he is weaned.  For him, the process seemed easy, like he barely noticed that his milk supply now comes exclusively from a plastic nipple. He is happy to be eating most solids and drinking the Homo Milk.  Me? I am NOT happy!! I've been an emotional, hormal, weepy disaster! Physically, my boobs are hard as rocks, lumpy, tender and sore as hell. I can barely hold Ryder against me at all! Owie!!!!! Emotionally, I am a wreck!  My baby doesn't need me as his source of food anymore, (yes, I realize that's always been the ultimate goal,) he's turning ONE in a few days, I am heading back to work in less than three weeks, and I'm moody, irrationally grouchy, happy, then emotional wreck!! Yep, if feels like PMS, something I havn't experienced for almost 2 years now, and I didn't miss it one bit!!!  I wonder if I even have any tampons under the sink..oh great, this is gonna be fun (again, yes, I know this was always the ultimate goal: get my pre pregnancy body back, even the bloody parts...)

1 comment:

Country Girl said...

Chills down the spine, J. You sent chills down my spine...