Sunday, October 3, 2010


Yesterday, Saturday, we had summer! It lasted for a day and it was amazing!! The sun beat down on us in a way that it has not in months. I actually needed sunglasses, short sleeves, barefeet and flip flops! It was a glorious day! Today, fall, came back, but memories of our late, short, one day of summer still linger!
When it is so warm and beautiful outside, there is no where else I wanna be than AWAY from the city. Marty had hockey, yep, ice hockey, on our only day of summer all year, so Scout and I went out to the Farm where I keep Dirt Face. It sure looked like fall, the leaves were all different colors and the grass was brown, but the sky was incredibly clear, blue and full of bright hot sun! I had decided not to ride horses by myself while I am pregnant. I am not ready to quit riding all together yet, but i am trying to make smarter, safer choices. So instead of riding while out at the farm, I strapped my camera around my neck, and headed out with Scouter into the woods. Summer was a good day!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Great pictures jeanney! wow!