Monday, January 2, 2012


Ryder took his first steps tonight!! It was such an exciting moment and Marty, Scout and I were all there to bare witness!! I had been on the phone with Aimee who asked if Ryder was "free standing" yet. I said every now and then he'd let go of whatever he was propping himself up with and just be standing on his own. She bet he'd be walking soon. Max walked within days of starting to free stand. I didn't think Ryder was that close to walking at all. He seems so young. He's still my baby, but tonight just for giggles, I faced him towards me, made sure he was standing good and sturdy on his feet and then carefully let go of him. He stood there smiling at me and took 2 small steps. Just to make sure I did it again and same thing. Before long, Marty and I had him "walking" between us, just one or two steps, but he took them all by himself before launching himself into our ready open arms! Finally we decided to try to snag a video. Our own little record of the memory. I have no idea if he is actually that close to walking all by himself, but he took his first steps and as brand new parents were are sooo proud and excited!!!!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Yay Ryder! He is going to be a busy boy once he gets motoring! Have fun Johny...